With all that’s going on in our world, I thought it would be important to share something that both reminds us of the healing power of music and of a country that is desperately suffering through its crisis. Originally created for Italy’s intriguing healing music label, Ludi Sounds, Raffaelle Serra’s Musiche Per Il Cuore E La Memoria – Music For The Heart And The Memory brings us his study of shamanistic music into the realm of fourth world sound and minimalist compositions. For an hour we’re treated to music made specifically to background our personal time, to “architect our inner self” in our quiet time.
So, what can we do? Do what you can to be of use others and to the greater world. May we all do our bit of self-reflection, mindfulness, and kindness, to get everyone through this increasingly trying time. Spare a thought for your neighbors and others. Stay aware of your community at a distance. Practice good hygiene. We’ll find ways to get through this together. In the end, no one is immune to any of this.
For Those Looking For Additional Help:
- Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Advice for the Public (WHO)
- Resources On COVID-19 (CDC)
- Coronavirus (What It Is and How It Spreads) (WP)
- List of Global Personal Crisis Hotlines (WikiPedia)
- Resources For Mental Health (NAMI)
Terapia Del Suono
Raffaele Serra was born in Verona in 1948. He started his first experiments with electronic music while with the group “Morality, Trance e Saggezza” (“Morality, Trance and Wisdom”), a band specializing in experimental rock.
From 1970 to 1977 he worked as a sound and light technician and directors assistant with a number of avant-garde theatre groups: il Teatro Uomo in Milan, il Teatro Laboratorio in Verona, la Compagnia Alfred Jarry in Naples, il Teatro CM in Milan, il Patagrupo and il Granteatro in Rome, il Teatro Artigiano in Cantii and. Finally, il Teatro Studio Mejerchol’d in Milan.
Serra has worked with artists from various fields. His continuing studies and musical research took him to Amsterdam where he met the researcher Walter Maioli and the Anthropologist Fred Gales. In the Netherlands he produced a number of cassettes for “Sound Reporter” and worked with Multi Media Art teaching the ways of ancient cultures.
Raffaele Serra also gives his time to a number of groups involved with supporting the rights of indigenous races around the world. From 1985 to the present, together with psychologist and psychoanalysts, he has dedicated himself to the study and research of musical therapy. At the same time he has worked with the American dancer/choreographer Claire Ann Matz – best known for her work in the field of electronic voice elaboration.
Serra has also created ambient musical for exhibitions with the Danish artist Nes Lerpa. In 1987-88 worked with Associazione Arte e Ambiente (Art and Environment Association), a group dedicated to finding a harmony between the environment and the art. In 1989 joined the group “Progetto Ario”.
About Musiche Per Il Cuore E La Memoria – Music For The Heart And The Memory
There was a time when poets, artists and philosophers were considered the magnificent sick of the society. Today, in our sick society, it is undoubtable that the poets, artists and philosophers are the only ones (those not victims of identity crises’ or business) that hold the cure. Part of the cure may be obtained from music. Music, like that of Raffaele Serra, that is first and fore mostly “self-help” material. Music that does not seek to impose its own ideas but which instead sets the scene in order for us to create our own. Remember, therapy is not a cure in itself, it is an exercise by which one cures oneself.
Autotherapeutic music is not a question of rules and grammar; which have no real importance.
It is rather the feeling of a magnetic environment, a sense of ecstasy in sound.
Music in the form of a breeze of warm air, as an architect of our inner self.
To weave a spell around music to lead it to lose itself.
Franco Bolelli
This work represents the natural progression of the authors Shamanists musical research.
“Music is a product of Magic” declares Serra adopting the words of Jules Cobarieu. Magic in its noble form we might add.
A magical homeopathic sound. A veritable ringing spell taking after the ancient, oriental Mantras-Mandalas and the respiratory rhythms of nature and the Universe. Above every other natural element that of water from whose song was born man.
Music for the Heart and the Memory was conceived to rewaken our distant, forgotten memories. To induce them to flow through our hearts soft, healing filter.
This music will help us to rediscover internal harmony by regaining full possession of our forgotten thoughts; both pleasant and those capable of still causing us pain. Remember that the thoughts which pass through the hearts sweet womb loose all of their negative aspects, they are cleansed and put us at peace with our past, opening the future to us with a tender, joyful light.
A new sound environment for a new era.
Music to reawaken distant memories and help us to live in a different manner. Putting us in contact once again with ancient, forgotten spiritual and emotional echoes.
The music of Raffaele Serra owes its strength to its Mantric form: the repetition of what we may refer to as a “Sound Formula”.
A music particularly “full”; both from an acoustic and emotional point of view. In stark contrast to the accepted rules of most contemporary music Serra does not seek to use his compositions to put across thoughts or ideas. Instead he simply introduces the listener to a musical formula that will spark of the memory of each and every one of us.
During the apparent repetition of Serra’s music (the trained ear will however discover unexpected melodies) nearly imperceptible variations are at work that plough into the heart of the listener and literaly open channels to the inner itself. Whilst this is happening, throughout the body’s circulatory system and the mind instead of our usual fluids will flow this therapeutic sound.
More meditative moments will alternate with some energetic phases, all of which have been carefully planned to follow the body’s natural, respiratory rhythms.
Mother Nature also appears during the performance, with her usual discretion. In certain “Musical Landscapes” we will be treated to conversations between spring water and an amorous badger.
Crows will chatter with nightingales, crickets, toads and the sea.
Serra’s music will cry out to the listener who, in turn, will respond with the notes of his or her own personal music: Breath, heartbeat, the rhythm of the diaphragm, the undulating vibrations of prime energy. A beautiful musical collaboration – Raffaele Serra and the personal music of you, the listener.
Filippo Massara
Listening Instructions
To obtain an immediate, therapeutic benefit we advise the listener to lie on his back: arms at his side.
The body should be completely at rest. Place a small cushion behind the neck. If possible Music for the Heart and the Memory should be listened to in complete seclusion, away from all the noises of the industrial “civilization”; preferably on a quiet beach, in the countryside, lying on a rug on the floor, in bed or in a confortable armchair.
All clothing should be loose – slaken all belts etc.
The body’s fluids, both spiritual and physical (blood, lymph, thoughts etc.) must be free to flow as they wish.
Make sure that the ambient temperature is also comfortable – not too hot or cold.
Now you are ready, guide the music inside you – without using force. Allow everything that the music awakens in you to flow to your mind.
Music for the Heart and the Memory will have a positive action even if listened to while carrying out simple, safe activities that do not require excessive mental activity.
Ideally the music should be listened to on headphones. Under no circumstances listen to the music while driving – certain passages could cause distraction.