
  • For my first show with French broadcaster LYL Radio I felt obliged to engage in a bit of navel-gazing. I began by asking myself: How in the world did I end up having a radio show with a French radio station? These are the things you learn to accept when life opens certain doors for…

  • Illustration by Laura Gomez What is “earth”? This element we can use all our senses to comprehend, means more than just that. For the second part of my series with NTS, I imagine I had an easier task imagining it musically, than “earth” illustrator Laura Gomez had to capture its spirit visually. How do you hear…

  • Guest Mix by Chris J. Morris Editor’s Note: For those who’ve ventured to the FOND/SOUND Facebook group our guest for today’s mix, Chris J. Morris, has been tearing up the board with fascinating share, upon fascinating share, much of it from his personal collection. Showing a deep knowledge of Latin experimentalism, and so much more, I…

  • Illustration by Laura Gomez I think, no undertaking is ever as enriching if isn’t done with a purpose in mind. For myself, trying to understand and (most importantly) differentiate what makes Japanese Ambient music different than other ways to music led me to an idea. It’s one that I thank NTS for giving me a…

  • toshifumi hinata

    Toshifumi Hinata, what can one say about Toshifumi? By far one of my favorite artists and composers, it’s not hard for me to talk about his career and music without ruminating over his work with some wild wanderlust affectation. I’ll spare you that, though, because you don’t need me fawning over one of my personal,…

  • “Why are there so many songs about love?” that’s the heavy question posited by one Terry Day in “Luv, Luv, Luv”. As he goes about trying to deduce the many reasons we love one another, he fails to land on a specific motive. Terry figures it out the answer, and comes to it, as an…

  • Guest Mix by Giacomo Lee Editor’s Note: As always, it’s exciting to see what FOND/SOUND readers are listening to and where they are in their own musical journey. Today, I’m pleased to share Giacomo Lee‘s (author of the novel Funereal, music and culture journalist for Long Live Vinyl, VICE, Little White Lies and more) mix…

  • The dream continues…coming in next, but arguably first in its conception, is my mix for Radio Jiro on NTS. In this mix I’ll continue to flesh out this esoteric idea of Walearic music. As mentioned in my previous Walearic mix, it’s a conceptual genre of Japanese music looking beyond strict influence from western Pop music and turning it’s eye instead…

  • We can affect change or be an effect of change. These ideas, proposed wonderfully in Charles Demuth’s Spring, moved me to take up a call from Zattirizat to create a playlist for their brilliant guest mix series. Umut from Zattirizat got me thinking: What can I do to move your needle? To do so, I had to…

  • I was going to write about how much I appreciate all of you, the readers, who keep visiting this blog and give your precious time to discover music I feel passionate about. It’s been over a year since FOND/SOUND began. It’s because of your encouragement and support that this labor of love keeps going. With…

ambient art pop art rock balearic brazilian electro-acoustic england environmental music experimental fourth world Funk fusion japan jazz minimalist mpb neo-folk neoclassical new age walearic