Once again I’m ending back at the beginning. Nothing quite occupies my headspace than preparing one last “summer” mix to share. And for my latest hour “Digging Deep” for LYL Radio my whole attention (for some reason) was dedicated to crafting something special for, seemingly it turned out, a nebulous audience of one.
Time sure does fly when you’re in the pocket. And in the case of my latest Digging Deep mix it’s the reason that caused me to both: a) go over my hour-allotted time (sorry, LYL Radio friends) and b) completely jettison the ending of said mix from the original inspiration behind it. So, I’m asking…
I don’t know about you but there’s just something about summer that lights a fire in me. When I turn that season’s feeling into the realm of music I, quite simply, have reams of music just waiting in the docket looking for their time to come out. As I write a little bit less on…
Truth be told, most of the rabbit holes I go into now are of my own making. Case in point: my latest LYL Radio mix. I say this because, for some reason, the track that inspired the whole shebang, Ichiro Nitto’s “浅い眠り” aka “Shallow Sleep”, captured a certain feeling or environ that I seemingly can…
I’ve always had a belief: it’s that you can really tell a lot about a person by what they listen to, how they create, or what inspires them to create. As I read interviews with today’s focus, Hajime Mizoguchi, I sense that his music speaks volume of the person he is. Elegant, graceful, yet uniquely…
For me, every mix I create presents a perfect opportunity to share something of myself with you, the reader. Sometimes it’s a reminder of something you may have missed or I believe merits a re/discovery. Other times it’s a collection of some larger, macro, idea that serves as a stand-in for a particular feeling or…
First off, here’s a kind thank you to Eamonn for inviting me to Noods Radio to guest on his chOOn!! radio show. Not just a wonderful curator of great things, that aren’t just bleeding-edge, forgotten, or obscure, Eamonn also runs the equally inspiring reissue label (under the same name) featuring the groundbreaking work of artists…
Each year, as February rolls around, I keep an eye out for certain songs that speak to that all-encompassing emotion we call “love”. You see, my favorite kind of song is the universal, archetypal one, one that expresses that word’s deep meaning (in all its glory and pain). With the backdrop of Russia’s reckless and…
Image by No Translation Don’t ask me why but whenever I’m tasked to write about contemporary music, or receive a listening recommendation of a current artist, I have a certain practice. I like to go back and listen to the first track they’ve ever “officially” released and then listen to the last track of whatever…
As our world gets increasing overloaded, or some would argue over-saturated, with stimuli — adverts, sound, news clips, fast fashion and more — the ability to parse out what is “genuine” and what is genuinely “trying too hard” grows wider than the chasm of what constitutes good taste. I think, carving out good work requires…
ambient art pop art rock balearic brazilian electro-acoustic england environmental music experimental fourth world Funk fusion japan jazz minimalist mpb neo-folk neoclassical new age walearic