
  • I always like to look back and rediscover where I first encountered some of the guests I’ve invited to the blog. I still can’t believe it’s been a bit over eight years since I first came across mvns.

  • The more I curate mixes or tumble down that wormhole called “discovering new music,” the more I find myself questioning how we categorize things. For me, it’s all circling back to how one listens to music.

  • Life is something, right? When I conceived of my latest mix for my LYL Radio show, I wanted to capture a certain spirit: that of gently percolating music that bubbles at the edges but never quite reaches a boiling point. My thought was, “On certain trying days, we all need music that consoles us, that…

  • Sometimes, you just have to go where the breeze takes you. That’s something that’s become clear to me lately. This summer, I decided to scale back the time I’ve devoted to the blog and simply go outside and enjoy life (with music). So, when it was time for my LYL Radio show, I thought: why…

  • Let’s do something different today. Let’s let the music speak for itself. I say this because I’m still inspired and surprised by who tunes in to what this blog has to say. And one of its surprising readers is one, Agata Melnikova, aka Sign Libra, who discovered this blog many moons ago after listening to…

  • “Sun’s out, fun’s out.” Could it be something that simple that inspired my latest “Digging Deep” mix for LYL Radio? Looking back, I think there might be something deeper than this.

  • With spring just around the corner for most of us, undoubtedly, my mind turned toward emotions conjured by such in-between periods. There’s something about the transition from the cold/steely blues, beiges, and gray gradients of a winter season into the pastels of spring that can’t help but put anyone in a warmer, sunnier disposition. And…

  • Tue, May 10, 2022, 10:46 AM – so many things seem improbable, but looking at this time stamp, this is one of those that will sit with me for a while. You see, it was over two years ago that I mustered up some courage to seek out Noriko Sekiguchi and see if she was interested…

  • As 2023 comes to an end, I feel compelled to do something out of the norm. Looking back, I think I could have done more to open up a line of communication that’s been lacking for a while. I believe that a well thought out mix can do so many things. The best mixes can…

  • 15 years can fly by. Yet, 19 years can seem like a blink. You see, it was in fact 19 years ago — if one can completely trust the internet — when a germ of a thought and of a vision was being created, one piece at a time, when Ricks and April were hand-painting…

ambient art pop art rock balearic brazilian electro-acoustic england environmental music experimental fourth world Funk fusion japan jazz minimalist mpb neo-folk neoclassical new age walearic