Diego Olivas

  • How long can you hold on to a secret? Two years, that’s how long I’ve been holding off on sharing Fred Simon and Liz Cifani’s masterful Time And The River, another in a series of quite autumnal, pastoral, ambient/New Age records that speak to some kind of not-so-profoundly “American” universality. “How come? And how so?”…

  • More magic from the Salt Road. Hovering in between the space of other Awa Muse alumni comes another one from the East, from Osaka to be precise, Kosei Yamamoto’s East Ward. Hard to pinpoint, East Ward, focuses on a fourth world-esque blend of Japanese ambient New Age and jazz. And much like the works of…

  • What a week? Now that we can breathe again, I’d love to share a bit of music that seems to have given me a bit of respite lately. A bit twee for some, a bit too measured for others, for some reason, the pianoscapes of Michael Jones have hit that perfect spot for me lately…

  • We all have music that cuts closest to our bone. I won’t put thoughts in your head about yours but for me those deepest cuts revolve around music that reminds me of home. On my latest mix for LYL Radio I share, perhaps, what one would say is a vain exploration. Jazzy, pastoral, folksy, and…

  • Get your wet boots, we’re going off the salt road with the brilliant Japanese kalimba master and kalimba maker, Bun. Koh-Tao’s Tayu-Tayu is a furthering of a sound you were introduced to in Awa Muse’s wonderful fourth world compilation series, Shio-No-Michi. Here we get a chance to listen to what originally was a four piece…

  • If you’ve followed this blog for a while now, you’ve probably realized that I make no bones about my love for and promotion of folk music. And, usually, around this time of the year you actually get a bigger peek into this, one of my earliest musical loves, via various albums or mixes I share…

  • Editor’s note: Ayuo was kind enough to email some corrections to my review. I’ve included them inline for readers to take in. It’s never easy to be the first in anything. Kazue Sawai’s whole career is a living testament to this with multiple convictions rendering their verdict on her choices. In 1987, she chose to…

  • To be completely honest with you, I’m still struggling to assess how to introduce you to Goffredo Haus’s Musiche Per Poche Parti. For many it will easily wear the crown of minimalism and experimental music. For others, who can get past its very silicon-based creation, it might speak to a fourth wave of electro-acoustic music…

  • Talk about being in the right place and at the right time. Normally, I’m not blessed with great timing but I consider myself fortunate to reach Randy Honea when he had his last copy of Still Life. Now sitting in front of me, in real life, was this, his album — a heady, moving mix…

  • I’ve got to say I really had fun with this one. Inspired by Ms. Sally’s wonderful recommendation to check out the music of brother/sister duo Sophie and Peter Johnston, I felt compelled to build on an idea for my latest mix for LYL Radio: “What about an hour dedicated to music that takes us back…

ambient art pop art rock balearic brazilian electro-acoustic england environmental music experimental fourth world Funk fusion japan jazz minimalist mpb neo-folk neoclassical new age walearic